ISLAMABAD: Chief of the Polish Navy Rear Admiral Miroslaw Mordel called on Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral Muhammad Zakaullah at Naval Headquarters on Monday. The visiting dignitary is visiting Pakistan on the invitation of Zakaullah.
Upon arrival at Naval Headquarters, the visiting naval chief was received by the chief of naval staff. A smartly turned out contingent of the Pakistan Navy clad in ceremonial dress presented him with a guard of honour. Thereafter, Zakaullah introduced the visiting dignitary to the principal staff officers at Naval Headquarters.
Later, Rear Admiral Miroslaw Mordel called on chief of the naval staff in his office, where he held detailed discussions on professional matters and bilateral naval collaboration in diverse fields with his counterpart. A comprehensive briefing on PN’s operational developments was also given to the visiting dignitary.
The Polish naval chief praised the efforts of Pakistan Navy in maintaining collaborative security in Indian Ocean and beyond which is also a shared vision of global navies.
The Polish naval chief also lauded the efforts of the Pakistan Navy for hosting/organising Multi-National Maritime Exercise AMAN-17 in February this year. Admiral Zakaullah thanked Rear Admiral Miroslaw Mordel for the active participation of the Polish Navy in the Multinational Naval Exercise AMAN 17 to join hands for common resolve of ‘Together for Peace’.
Rear Admiral Miroslaw Mordel also called on chairman joint chiefs of staff committee and chief of the air staff during his engagements.
In the second leg of his visit, the chief of Polish Navy is scheduled to meet naval field commands in Lahore and Karachi, including PN War College Lahore and PN Fleet/Units at Karachi. The Polish Navy Chief will also lay a wreath at mausoleum of Quaid-e-Azam.
Mordel has had the honour to hold number of command and staff appointments, including Chief of Staff of Submarine Squadron, Exercise planner at NATO command of COMSUBEASTLANT (Commander Submarine Force East Atlantic), Deputy Chief of Plans and Policy Division, Deputy Chief of Strategic Planning and Command of 3rd Ships Flotilla.
Mordel is a graduate of Polish Naval Academy and General Staff College of German Armed Forces and postgraduate from Naval Command College in Newport, USA.
The visit is expected to greatly enhance the bilateral collaboration between the two navies various avenues.