Singer Ali Zafar took to Instagram and shared a funny video with relationship advice. He gave the funniest tip, telling fans how to ruin a toxic relationship.
Sharing the tip with his fans he said if you were going to meet someone but you don’t want to go and you don’t have the courage to say NO then how would you tell her that I can’t meet you now?
“Have you ever been in a space where you’ve wanted out of a toxic relationship but couldn’t find the right words or the courage to tell the person? Here’s a small tip”, he captioned.
He was holding a piece of garlic in his hand, he showed that garlic piece to his fans in the video and started laughing.
He said: “Put this garlic in your mouth and when you were driving and start talking she will automatically say, “Oh mere bhai AllahHafiz.”
At the start of the video, he was very serious but suddenly he started laughing on which one of the Instagram user wrote, “Bht dyhan se sun raha tha bhai… ???????? ek dum e wqt badal diye jazbaat badal diye”.
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